We are an ethical company that produces products up to the international industry standard, we use premium ingredients, and pure natural oils produced in the most hygienic and modern facilities. You can be confident that you can rely on BSA to supply the best products in the industry.




>We formulate the finest products for beauty enhancement, wellness and health.

>We create unique signature scents for your home, brand or business premises.

>We create essential oil blends that are perfect for different moods, situations including relaxation, energy and focus.

>We offer white label products formulated by our experts using the highest grate plant based active ingredients

We have a large catalogue of products to meet the needs of all our customers including homes, business premises, spas, and hotels to be used in soaps, room sprays, bathroom diffusers, vaporisers, perfume oil, hand soaps and diffusers.


We can offer our customers professional advice on the best formulations to use for all your needs, whether it is for therapeutic or beauty purposes or to enhance your environment with beautiful scents.